The baby birds have flown the coop. We returned to the cabin last week and saw both broods still snug in their nests.A Violet-Green Tree Swallow baby had his head sticking out of the hole of the birdhouse on our shed. Mom and Dad were busy flying sorties with tasty bugs for his (by now) big mouth. Then the next morning, no one was left at the nest. I don’t know how many babies there were since only one at a time was visible. Unfortunately, we missed the takeoff.
Up above at the peak of the cabin, two large babies were visible in the Barn Swallow nest. Again, the next morning both were out flying. Unlike the tree swallows, the Barn Swallow babies are still hanging around. They like to perch under the porch, on the garden float and on our many floating log stumps. They are so much fun to watch.
Meanwhile, Mom and Dad are busy readying the nest for another brood. They rebuilt the sides to make it larger. Now Mom is sitting again, and Daddy Bert is singing his heart out to his lovely lady and taking some time out for a little home-grown fun.
That is, when he isn’t out amusing himself on the playground equipment. -- Margy
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